Alternative Energy has landed on Liberty Island for the first time in history. The Liberty Island Retail Pavilion located on Liberty Island adjacent...
Geothermal Heat Pump Incentive Program
Using funds received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund (CCEF) has established a geothermal heat pump incentive...
New Legislation Allows Full 30% Tax Incentives on Geothermal
Expanded Tax Incentive Encourages Installation of Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems Legislation allows full 30 percent tax incentive. Homeowners who install geothermal heating...
New Tax Incentives for Geothermal Systems
Connecticut Wells has some great news regarding incentives to install geothermal systems in homes and commercial buildings. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of...
CT Wells Installs Geothermal Lion Cage
The renovation of the Bronx Zoo Lion House will transform this architectural landmark into a magnificent 19,000 square foot venue. A new Wildlife...
Affordable Housing Goes Geothermal
BY KEITH EDDINGS THE JOURNAL NEWS • AUGUST 20, 2008 WHITE PLAINS - Two progressive causes - affordable housing and energy conservation -...